In January of 2005, Brenda was appointed as a career missionary through the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and was assigned as Baptist Student Ministry campus minister to the University of Alaska. While building a campus ministry in this pioneer region, she began hosting mission teams and creating strategies to reach Alaskans through distinctive Alaskan events. She served nine years on the Alaska campus while hosting teams in the summer. In October of 2010 Brenda placed her full focus on mobilizing teams in Alaska, forming the Non-Profit organization Alaska Missions and Retreats, Inc., in order to sustain mission efforts and to address issues that hinder personal discipleship.
In 2015, 1,000 short term mission volunteers were engaged in multiple projects through the organization, creating mission projects across the vast expanse of Alaska, more than twice the size of the State of Texas. Each year we have the privilege of seeing people come to know Christ through the organization's efforts, and other ministries and church plants have developed as a direct result of the work of Alaska Missions and Retreats, Inc.
In 2017-18, we saw 700 decisions for Christ, and are working hard to remedy challenges of discipleship and church engagement.
Alaska Missions and Retreats’ strategy is anchored in building relationships and meeting physical and spiritual needs. We are all about meeting needs, breaking down walls, and sharing the gospel. From summer food programs that feed hungry children in city parks and bush villages, to sports camps and construction projects, to providing volunteers for signature Alaskan events (Iron Dog, Iditarod, Kodiak Crab Fest), we desire to reach every part of our state. We host women's conferences in the Arctic and retreats for military families and veterans. Our partnerships with native village leaders allows us to minister in Alaska Native communities. Our goal is to spur restoration and revival in Alaska, sharing freedom in Christ.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Matthew 25:35-36